TinyAI Solutions shines at the 2021 global tinyML EMEA Technical forum thanks to two co-founders

From June 7th to 10th, 2021, two co founders of Tiny AI Solutions, Samson Otieno Ooko and Marvin Muyonga Ogore virtually attended the tinyML Europe, Middle East, and Africa (EMEA) 2021 Global Technical Forum (https://www.tinyml.org/event/emea-2021/) to present their preliminary Master Thesis research results on edge artificial intelligence (AI). 

The forum’s focus was on Machine Learning (ML) technologies and applications capable of performing on-device sensor data analytics (technically known as inference) at extremely low power, typically in the mW range and below, and hence enabling a variety of always-on real-time use-cases using battery operated or ambient energy harvesting devices. 

As great achievements, firstly the research of Marvin on offline non-invasive detection of Cholera at communal water taps has been shortlisted among the best presented abstracts; therefore getting a rare opportunity to present in the tiny talks category among the big industry industrial and research players in Edge AI technologies such as ARM, Qualcomm, Edge Impulse, Infineon, SensiML, ...  Secondly, Samson was selected on merit to present his unique research on Edge AI inference for early detection of respiratory diseases from exhaled breath during the student forum among other PHD candidates from across Europe.

Samson presenting his work at Tiny EMEA 2021

Video Links: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vRquy_OnklQ&t=80s


Co founders attend VivaTech 2021 with the support of Ag-partners Rwanda